Would you like to submit a book review or other content to Tsunami of Pornography? Here’s what you need to know!
Book Reviews
Please provide the following information in your review:
- Title
- Author
- Year Published
- Genre [i.e. Young Adult, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Historical Fiction]
- Reason for Ban, Location & Person Challenging the Book [i.e. “Considered pornography; Plattsmouth High School; Terri Cunningham-Swanson, school board member]
- Themes [i.e. LGBTQIA, (transgender people exist!), Racial Justice (people of color or Indigenous people get a fair shake), Memoir (rape survivor tells their story), Historical (experiences in war or genocide)]
- Your Review
We are looking for thoughtful, in-depth reviews with a minimum of 350 words (500 preferred). Please break down the argument for banning the book, as well as yours against it. Help readers understand the characters, content, and why the book is important.
As we all know, book banners never read, consider, and critique a book in its entirety. They either look only at out-of-context snippets or through the lens of someone with a strong, often religious or nationalist, bias, and always with a lack of understanding, sympathy, or empathy for the myriad voices that deserve to be shared and heard. They want to sweep everything under the rug.
We want you to amplify those voices, to tell us why the story matters, and what you learned by reading it.
Do you want to write about the impact of book banning? We’re interested in articles detailing the history, its past and present, and the impact on society. Pitch us your idea!
In particular, we are looking for smart and funny voices, and pieces that raise awareness of the efforts by some groups to ban books in our libraries, and the detrimental effects of censorship and thought control. We are especially interested in voices from marginalized individuals, as book bans often target stories featuring characters and experiences of women, LGBTQIA folks, people with disabilities, people of color, and Indigenous people. All book-related topics and articles 500+ words will be considered.
We are not a paying platform at this time, but if that ever changes, existing contributors will be the first to know!